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Our office is located down Bisoke volcano.near there,we have a nice village Nyamurimirwa. welcome all who wants to visit us.M. John NDAYAMBAJE est un expert en conservation des gorilles de montagne, car il possède une expérience de la protection des animaux et de la recherche dans le parc national des volcans. Il a été chef des rangers et coordinateur des données de terrain à la DFGFI, où il a étudié le comportement des gorilles et observé de jeunes gorilles détruisant des pièges; Il a également fait le recensement des gorilles dans le parc national impénétrable de Bwindi en Ouganda pendant près de 10 ans. I spent many years working with the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International as a coordinator, organizing and leading their rangers and anti-poaching patrols. Working for the Fossey Fund, I also took part in many scientific research activities, such as observing gorilla behavior while ensuring their protection.  Through my years working with the Fossey Fund, I made many scientific observations while taking a major role in gorilla conservation as a whole. I even observed a gorilla destroying a poacher’s snare.  As a Rwandan National I believe in protecting all of the animals and the environment of my beautiful country. However, this can’t be done alone. Everyone must get involved in order to ensure that these animals are protected while working with local communities throughout my country. There has to be a balance so that Rwandans can thrive as well through such activities as education, research and health projects. This is why I decided, as a Rwandan, to develop and create my own wildlife conservation organization. ADEC  was established in order to protect Rwanda’s natural environment and its unique wildlife while creating and ensuring a bright future for Rwanda’s people and country as a whole.